The Power of Mindset - Journaling for Mindset Training

The Power of Mindset - Journaling for Mindset Training

Journaling is not an easy process, it’s a brave process. The hardest part of training mindset is feeling emotions.”

We sat down with Tamara Akcay, Coach at District Fitness and Mindset RX'd, to discuss daily journaling as a tool for mindset training. In this interview, we cover what journaling is, how we can build a daily practice, and how to apply it to our training. 

Journaling is most effective when combined with a goal. Using a training goal is a good place to start - ideally, the timeframe for the goal will be six months or more. 

Negative thoughts aren’t meant to hurt you, they’re a defence mechanism to stop you from feeling emotions. Mindset training can be used to acknowledge our negative thoughts and better manage those thoughts and feelings. This process is done by journaling.

Journaling is most powerful when we are able to enter a state of mindfulness - grounded and able to be rational and objective. Mindfulness requires practice and it’s important to find the tool that works best for you (meditation, light exercise, a walk). 

Times to journal:

  • Morning thoughts - first thing write how you feel. Why are you feeling like that, what are the circumstances, how does that make you feel for the rest of the day?

  • During the day - write when you feel uncomfortable or when you don’t want to write! That’s when emotion comes in and your negative thoughts will take control. 

  • During training - typically in a grounded state. If negative thoughts come to your mind note them down, ask yourself if they’re really true. Journal your mindset pre and post-training and the small wins during your session. 

  • Wins of the day - before you go to sleep make a list of the small things you achieved. You must include why it was a win and how it made you feel. 

If you’re new to journaling Tamara recommends starting with your wins of the day. Alternatively, if you’re already used to journaling with training (PBs, weights, workout times, tracking your period etc), then starting there is a great place. 

Follow Tamara’s journey here