
The reason I’m doing CrossFit is because of Nicola. I was hesitant to start because I didn’t want to go back into an obsessive relationship with food and training. But Nicola and I had trained together before through playing Waterpolo, so she knew my abilities and how I liked to train. The first session we went to I loved and was instantly hooked.
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When I'm training I think about how I can make the session into a competition. It’s the only way I can push myself - I need to have an outcome. If I’m training with others, I’ll be looking over to see their progress. If I know a workout is time-based, I’ll strategise with myself about how many rounds I want to get through. 

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With weightlifting, like running and any other performance-based sports, I have to put in the work. Training, sleep, rest, and food are all in my control. How I perform is down to me. What you put in and what comes out is a reflection of your consistency. 

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I became a CrossFit Coach after leaving behind a career in PR. I now train 5-6 times a week, usually after I coach in the mornings. I turn up to train because I love the self-improvement, it makes me feel good and its really rewarding watching the progress.
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I turn up to train because I like being the best version of me. Even if I’m tired or sick I still train. My only competition is myself and my numbers. I train because I love feeling strong, being stronger than most men, and it makes me feel good. 
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